Getting back into the swing of things.... Or rather trying to!
So, having missed a week of blogging it, this is me TRYING to get back into being motivated for my year of endurance running. To be fair, I REALLY needed the wind down post marathon week and subsequent break from blogging, break from thinking about intensive training and some recovery time. As you're aware from my last post, I was extremely pleased with my time and worked hard to achieve what was a great time for me but less than mediocre for many. What I hadn't anticipated what the physical and mental aftermath in the days following my first marathon of the year.Absolute exhaustion ensued. I had hoped to jog for a couple of miles 2 days after the marathon but simply slept instead. The sheer elation of my achievement settled into some sort of dullness of questioning whether I should have been able to do better or even if I would be able to replicate it again in Edinburgh at the end of May. The (expected) constant fighting against a cold, sore throat and irritating cough from where my immune system had been left drained and now exposed. I think the adrenalin in the build up to and exertion on the day of the marathon leaves you feeling somewhat mixed afterwards. My memory of running London in 2005 or rather FINISHING my marathon in 2005, served to remind me that I now owed my family and friends some of 'Sarah' again as the training commitment often put those that I love the most, second. It is only now that I'm having this same realisation, this same feeling of owing those around me my time, that the impact of demands on my time for another 30 or so weeks is hitting home.
On the plus side, it has become a real talking point for my daughters amongst some of their friends. Sharing the Milan experience with them has given them a sense of pride, some understanding of the demands of running a marathon and an appreciation of setting a challenge for yourself and working hard to achieve it. So, even if my children aren't always getting their mum at her best this year, they are getting a role model in some guise or other. At least, that's what I'm telling myself when, yet again, I apologise to them for being cranky!
Anyway, talking through my running for the past two weeks:
In the week directly following my marathon, I took it very easy. Having been too tired (stiff, sore, walking tenderly and feeling as if I'd morphed into a 95 year old woman) to run for the first few days, I jogged/slowly ran 5km on the Friday evening. My left calf and Achilles were VERY sore and tight. I repeated this on the Saturday and although I sensed the same aches and pains as I had on Friday, they were nowhere as intense. I then ran 4 fast miles (30 mins 24 sec) on Sunday with not a single niggle. I was REALLY pleased with this! The following week was still very much a recovery week but also striking a balance with the ongoing training. So, a steady 10km on Tuesday, a steady 10 miles on Thursday and a 5 mile run tonight (Sunday). Do note that tonight's run was the first non-treadmill run since the marathon. (Well, other than 3km of start/stop jogging in the rain with my youngest on her bike yesterday but I'm not convinced that it counts). So, I have managed over 20 miles this week but, unlike the treadmill miles, the road run tonight felt tough. This comes after a few days of birthday celebrations with my youngest who has now turned 6 and has partied harder than most adults I know! (NB - now that she's 6, my plan is to encourage her to attend the Junior Pacer sessions wherever possible. Work permitting.)
This IS the week where the miles really kick back in though so I'm hoping that a well needed sports massage will be on the cards sometime very soon. My plan for the week:
Monday - 4 FAST treadmill miles straight after work
Tuesday - 5-6 easy miles
Wednesday - track session I hope!
Thursday - Rest
Friday - 5km jog/rest
Saturday - 22 mile (at 9.15min/mile)... any offers of cycle support would be really appreciated here!
Sunday - I have the children all day with me so another rest day. Depending upon how far I run on Wednesday, I should certainly clock up nearer 40 miles this week (more if Wednesday becomes a slightly longer run). Bring it on!
One more thing, I have made a conscious decision to take my blogging down to once per fortnight. Mostly due to simply needing some sleep and having missed a week, appreciating the earlier night I got on a Sunday. Secondly, I now feel that my 'blurb' can be more condensed now that my training has become more habitual (never really easy) than it was earlier in the year. THIS is of course subject to change. For now, let me just get back into the swing of things as I now begin week 19 of training. :o)
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