A busy woman with a running agenda...

Hi all

So, this is me and my running journey for 2012.

My biggest year of running yet which will undoubtedly include my many highs and lows over the year.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Numbers, numbers and more numbers.

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - and lots of miles!

Well, that's week 20 over and done with... and what a beautiful, sunny way to end another week of training.  So lovely.

It's been a funny couple of weeks as we're now heading into the exam season at work so the pressures of supporting students, setting and marking mock exams and keeping up to date with the 'day job' has been unreal.  Consequently, sleep deprivation has kicked in and late nights of marking has become the norm.  At least it's only for a short period but for now, tiredness is outweighing most things.  Furthermore, trying to combine this with the children and the training has not been an easy task.  The thought of trying to knock out yet another 10km or even a ten miler... and longer, after the 3rd consecutive night of sub 5 hours sleep is becoming less appealing.

I guess this is one of the 'lows' in terms of actually enjoying the training.  Rather than finding it as an escapism that I enjoy so much, it has, on occasion, felt more like a burden over the past couple of weeks.  The constant juggling of things in order to squeeze yet another hour of running into my day and then being too tired and hence not recovering quick enough between runs is no fun.  I know that I love running.  I know that I wouldn't set myself this year of training at this level if I wasn't inspired in some way or other.  I know that challenge of seeing the running agenda through is what is driving me but today, when I'm tired and still have sore calves from the last run, I find myself questioning everything.  SO, in order to 'get over myself' (a phrase used on the school field, that I never tire of hearing), I've now booked myself into the next marathon. 

So, Edinburgh in only two weeks from now which is suddenly looming and 7 weeks after that, it's the Fairlands Valley Stevenage marathon - a touch more local!

Training has been reasonable over the past fortnight but with the demands of work being so great, my mileage has been restricted more than I would have liked.  Certainly fewer miles than I would have preferred but enough to get by.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have found myself increasing the mileage after the 2 recovery weeks post Milan.   I've really been mixing up the treadmill training and road running just for a bit of diversity but also to take off the pressure on my legs a little.  I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised to learn that they're still in the recovery process and are now fighting against the increase in tempo and endurance.  Anyway, more importantly are the random thoughts that go through my head when running.  I suspect it's the mathematician in me but every aspect of any run is broken down into fractions, decimals and percentages.  How far have I gone in percentages?  How many laps of the track is this intended run equivalent too?  How many have I completed?  (20 laps for 5 miles - always a nice feeling once I've completed 3 miles and only have the equivalent of 8 laps remaining.)

So, my training for the weeks that has gone by has seen an up in the mileage including routine 5 milers or 10km straight after work where possible and a 21 mile VERY SLOW training run that saw me leave Bury and head around some of the lovely surrounding Suffolk villages.  An extra special thanks must go to Nicki for her bike support.  Where I was hot, she was quietly freezing but still coaxed me through the last hill on Moreton Hall when my legs were battling mile 21 (one street lamp at a time, of which I believe there were around 10 to get me up that hill).  I had hoped to complete 40 miles for each of the past two weeks but this week has only seen me total 32.  The plus side is that the longer distances that were planned have been finished including a 24km run today (That's equivalent to 60 laps and about 15 miles... other geeky statistics: each 1.2km (3 laps) made up 5% of the run; 240m being 1%.  Like I said, fractions, decimals and percentages.) and a mini bike ride with the children thereafter.  I had spent the morning dreading this afternoon's run but once it begun, I found it enjoyable and a well needed reminder that the training isn't always the doom and gloom as has been the case over the last couple of weeks.

Given that Edinburgh is only two weeks away, this increase in tempo for the shorter runs and distance in the longer runs are now going to subside again whilst I prepare myself for Marathon number 2 of 2012.  Next week therefore will see a dip in training again (and hopefully a well needed massage at some point too) with a few shorter runs and a 10 miler mid week but nothing more than 22 miles in total.  The following week will see a maximum of ten miles in total... at a VERY SLOW pace, prior to race day in Scotland.

Wish me luck!

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