A busy woman with a running agenda...

Hi all

So, this is me and my running journey for 2012.

My biggest year of running yet which will undoubtedly include my many highs and lows over the year.

Thursday, 24 May 2012


A BRIEF update before Edinburgh!

Well, given my update which was fewer than two weeks ago - when I was having a particularly low period, it's nice to feel as if I'm coming out of the other side.  Although, if the truth be known, for the majority of the past fortnight, I've been on a slight wind down.  Perhaps my ease of mind is attributable to that.

So, the sun is shining, the weather is warming up, Summer appears to have begun (Whatever happened to Spring? It seems that Winter has morphed into Summer with no dividing season.) and the build up of excitement, anticipation, trepidation and nerves for Edinburgh has begun.

27,000 runners, one of whom will be me!  I genuinely don't know whether to actually get excited and try to feed off the elation that I felt after completing my Milan marathon OR whether to suffer with my nerves.  I'm trying to opt for the former but this heat and sunshine (bearing in my mind my intense dislike of running in the heat) coupled with the onset of a sore throat (I'm recognising the symptoms of tonsillitis - sincerely hoping otherwise) isn't serving my confidence particularly well.

Furthermore, and I hate to admit it, but the 'body' that I had been commenting upon in recent posts is reverting back to normality again.  The muscle tone is very much in abundance (I LOVE my abs!) but a month of sleep deprivation has seriously increased my need for substinence and, in particular, I've been relying on sugar and chocolate to get me by... this, it now seems, is the devil's food!  So, even though it may only be a couple of pounds, these are another couple of pounds that I have to carry with me on Sunday.  Let's equate this (being the mathematician that I am) - you just trying carrying around a bag of potatoes whilst running a marathon!  Oh yes, it is a big deal!

Anyway, the 360 mile drive to Edinburgh takes place tomorrow - Eugh!  My friend Emma and two of our daughters (my supporting entourage so to speak) and lots of love and support from my friends and family, are going to help me get through the drive there, the drive back and a little run on Sunday.

I genuinely hope that I can do myself proud and have been really careful over the past couple of weeks in terms of my training - not too much, not too hard (with the exception of a fast 5 miler at the start of last week) and an increase in fluid (sometimes, must try harder).  A well needed sports massage tonight from the lovely Sheryl should, I hope, prepare me nicely.  Given the heat, if I can finish in sub 4 hours, I'll be satisfied.  Deep down however, I know that I would really like to match if not better my previous marathon time of 3hr 48.  Either way, let's just get marathon milesetone 2 out of the way!

Until my next update - wish me luck! xx

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